01. Florian Meindl - Assembly Line (Umwelt Remix) 5:45
02. Florian Meindl - Synthetic Memories (Volpe Remix) 5:12
03. Florian Meindl - Galaxy Storm (Garb's Into The Storm Mix) 7:12
04. Florian Meindl - Chord Raider (Decka Remix) 5:13
05. Florian Meindl - Reconstruct (Beau Didier Remix) 4:36
06. Florian Meindl - The Incal (Janzon Remix) 5:31
07. Florian Meindl - Melting Iron (Gael Remix) 5:48
08. Florian Meindl - Basic Mechanics (Shaleen Remix) 6:13
09. Florian Meindl - Metaphysics (Schott Remix) 6:24
10. Florian Meindl - Assembly Line (Cri du Coeur & Erratum Remix) 6:10
11. Florian Meindl - Galaxy Storm (Garb's After The Storm Mix) 21:38